You can spot a designer bag from a long distance. There are distinct markings to make the handbag stand out. The intertwined double G logo emblem makes it unmistakable to recognize. Gucci is an Italian fashion designer and leather goods supplier which started in Florence in 1921. With age, beauty and style in its stride, the brand has generated close to $7.0 billion in sales worldwide in one year – Talk about a large fan following.
With the rise in popularity of high-end luxury handbags, Gucci is very high on the list. Everyone wants to be seen owning one. So much so, that there are a number of fakes also being generated. However, there are 5 trademarks on a Gucci designer handbag which you need to keep in mind to identify the real thing.
- Dust bag. You can recognize a classy handbag when it comes all wrapped up in a high quality dust bag. Styled and designed with the recognizable designer logo, these draw string bags are usually brown or black with the logo in gold.
- Control card. With reference to the newer handbags, this control card is a tag that features a specific number which signifies that the handbag