Imitation brands are close to the real bags but have slight deviations in the logo, name color and other aspects that prevent it from breaching copyright laws. They look very similar to the brand they imitate, but are not produced by the neither designer nor does the imitation claim to be a designer bag. Fakes however are a complete copy of the original bag but illegally produced. They copy everything apart from the authenticity and quality manufacturing. However, both are not the real thing
Both however are not the real thing and you can keep away from them by buying at reputable stores. Even when buying a used designer, you need to know which stores deal with this trade and stick to them. Research well and ask fashion experts you know to guide you. Avoid flea markets, street vendors and little known local shops.
When shopping, you should have a keen eye for detail, which is what distinguishes real brands from the rest. Sloppy or slanted stitching are signs of poor tailoring and a good give away that a bag is not authentic. Check the inside as well for poor zipping and the lining. Imitations and fakes will use poor materials for the inner lining such as polyester, rayon or nylon, while a real brand would have leather. The zips on an original will have the manufacturers’ name on the underside.
Another distinct give away is the naming of the bag. Fakes tend to misspell names and logos to confuse a hurried shopper. For instance, GUCCI knocks offs are written as GUGGI, the interlocking C’s on channels will be O’s on a fake and Carter instead of Cartier. Ensure that the right name and logo are well written on the outside and inside of the bag.